Monday, April 27, 2009


Walking into the stands at Wrigley Field is easily one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Seeing the ivy on the outfield walls, I froze as I thought to myself "Wow! I'm really here!" Funny thing is, I really hate baseball.

Without digital photo editing, this shot would be nothing, just a boring, run of the mill wide shot of Wrigley Stadium. Even post processed, it's still nothing special, but I tried to imitate a style of photography taken with a special lens called a "Tilt-Shift" lens. A tilt-shift lens is usually used for architectural photography, but it can be used to make a live scene look like a miniature because of it's selective focusing capabilities. It's complicated, just trust me. Anyway, it didn't turn our so well in this photo, but it still kind of gave the scene an interesting look.

And it's freakin' Wrigley!



matt said...

i'll be here in 18 days!! bleacher seats!