Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mega Church

One of my friends told me that the stitching function on Photoshop CS4 was amazing, so naturally, I had to try it out.  For those of you who don't know what stitching is, it's sort of a collage.  It is a composite of a whole bunch of different images put side by side to make one image.  Photoshop will automatically stitch the images together seamlessly into one image. My friend told me about it at night, so I had to wait until morning to try it out.  I walked outside in gym shorts and a t-shirt first thing yesterday morning and walked across the street to the National Cathedral, snapped 12 shots, and walked back home.  Apparently, 12 shots is going overboard.  I crashed Photoshop a few times before it agreed to do it for me, and then once the final image was processed, every program I used struggled to open it.  Then I made things really interesting by converting it into in HDR.  Photomatix was not at all thrilled.  By the time it was all said and done, the image size was 19.8MB.  My photos, even my most intense HDRs are only around 4 or 5MB.  I really wanted to showoff my picture full size to the world, and that's where I ran into another problem.  The free flickr account only allows a maximum file size of 10MB and my SmugMug account only allows 12MB.  Upgrading my SmugMug account was a bit out of my range, so I cashed in on my parents' offer to buy me a flickr pro account.  That account allows a max size of 20MB.  Please click this image and then click "all sizes" above it once you get to the flickr page.  Then click "original."  It's huge.

Mega Church