Thursday, October 8, 2009

AU Quad Panorama

Alright.  Trying out SmugMug again, so bear with me.  This is a panorama of the American University quad that I took yesterday.  As you can clearly see, the picture below is waaaay too small.  If you click on the picture here and then mouse of the picture on SmugMug, click on "O" to see all of the fine details.  Since this is a stitched image of 12 different images there are some funny mistakes.  For example, you can see the same golf cart times in this picture.  There is also another person that can be spotted three times as well.  Can you find this person?

Also, SmugMug has a feature where you can either give a photo a "thumbs up" or a "thumbs down."  If you like a picture of mine, click on the green thumbs up! Thanks all!

American University Quad