Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Colourmusic at 80/35

Feliz Cinco de Mayo, everybody! Is that right? I stopped taking Spanish a couple years ago. I wanted to post a picture of something that looked like a party, but I thin the closest I'm going to get is a picture from a concernt I went to over the Fourth of July last year. These guys are called Colourmusic, and they're out of Oklahoma, I think. Not sure if I would buy any of their music, but they were a blast to watch live. The crowd was really into the gig and the white sweatsuits made me think of Devo. Not sure that's what they were going for.

On an unrelated but just as interesting note, I was looking at the followers of my blog the other day, and I noticed that of the ones who had profile pictures, all of them were taken by me. That trend ended yesterday when Dee joined the site, but she's still welcome here ;)

And since I'm working on my last assignments for the semester, so now is as good of a time as ever to daydream instead of being productive. I decided I should become a travel photographer. Just seems so much more fun than politics. Any idea how I go about doing that? I suppose I should start by traveling, but I don't have the cash. Maybe I should sell my photos! Who wants to buy a picture? $300 for a 4x6 print. Frame not included. Oh man, it would be awesome to be that good.

Anyway, I toast this margarita to you, my readers.
